Welcome to my Portfolio Website

About MeSemester 4

About Me

My name is Erica Chai. I am currently a 2nd year student at Waterford Institute of Technology studying Multimedia Applications Development. I have learnt various things upon studying this course such as photography, using the Adobe Suite, creating websites, and applications. Coding languages I have learnt include: Java, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, Oracle SQL.

I am also a part of CoderDojo, teaching kids how to code HTML5, CSS3, Java, and use WordPress. 

Below is a brief summary of what I’ve learnt over the past two years of this course, along with links to some portfolio work. 

Semester 4 – Current

Convergence Media Technology

In this module I learn about the history of the internet, the growth of technology, and how technology is expanding to this day. I am currently working on an application for this assignment which I will design and implement for my phone. I am also asked to create a responsive website, using this website builder. Here is a preview of me trying out the features on this website: 


Software Engineering

Progressing further from the software engineering module done in second semester, here I am learning how to create a report for a system. This includes use cases, use case descriptions, system architecture, class diagrams, sequence diagrams, activity diagrams, and storyboards,

Database Systems

Moving on from Database Fundamentals last semester, here I learn more on Oracle SQL, Normalization, Enhanced Entity Relation diagrams, Database Security, Transactions Management, and Distributed Databases. 

As an assignment, I am also designing and implementing a database of my choice. I will have to give a list of tables I plan to create, description for each attribute in those tables, and queries used in this database. I will later have to implement the proposed database using SQL worksheet.

Traditional Graphic Design

Learning about the different ways to come up with an ideas for logos and posters. I learn the history of some artists, art and photography, and how to use different sort of paints such as watercolour, oil, and acrylic.  

Mathematics for Graphics

Taking the matrices I learnt in first semester, in this module I learn how to use matrices to create 2D and 3D models in Microsoft Excel. I also learn the formulas for rotating, scaling, skewing, and translating the model. 

Multimedia Data Structures

Learning more on Adobe Processional Flash CS6, here I am learning how to code actionscript3. This includes using timeline and external actionscript, learning different event handlers, and creating as little classes and reusing existing classes. 

Semester 3

Web Development and HCI

Web Development and Human Computer Interface were combined to create one project. For this assignment I was asked to create a website using Adobe’s Dreamweaver CS6 and publish it on a domain. With a miniumum of 6 pages, the subject of the website was up to the students. I decided to create my website on the video game Minecraft. 
Minecraft players usually create houses in the game. Some even head straight to creative mode to just built houses from TV shows, games, and real life places to scale.
To show case some of these houses I also integrated a real estate feel to the website. This including added a price to the house, a list of the room, a street, and so on. Due to the limited time to complete this assignment I was only able to create a couple of pages for each house.

Visit Website

Digital Audio Production

I learnt the process of creating a podcast in this module. I had to create a script for the following topics;
1. iKea Furniture Instructions Manual 
2. ‘I’m all for using Moodle’ – Moodle Podcast Series
After writing the script, I recorded them, and edited them using Garageband. 

After creating these podcasts I was taught how to create a mash up. Upon learning the basics, I have given a list of 30 songs and was told to go create my own mash up using some these songs. It was also intended to be shown to Galway Bay FM were they created well enough.

Database Fundamentals

I was introduced to databasing in this module. I learnt how to create ER modules, Normalize tables, and about Oracle SQL. I had to create, edit, and select tables using SQL worksheet.

Motion Graphics

I used Adobe Professional Flash CS6 in this module to learn how to create animations, convert items to symbols, and use the timeline to my advantage.

Server Side Scripting

I learnt how to code PHP in this module. After learning the basics, I was given an assignment to localhost a dynamic website. I created a shopping cart where the user could add or remove items from the cart, and check out once they were finished. 

Semester 2

Music Skills

In this module I was taught the notes on a music bar, the basics of playing a piano, how to use Apple’s Garageband. I also learnt about the Circle of Fifths, MIDI, and Copyright in the music industry.

Mathematics Modeling and Statistics

Linear Programming, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, Differentiation, and Statistics are the four mathematics topics that was covered in this class. 

OO Programming Principles

Carrying on from last semester, I learnt how to code more complicated programs using BlueJ along with more code such as mutators, accessors, and toString().

Critical Thinking and Learning

Moving on from Communications Skills, in this module I learnt to think more on what people are saying during debates. I was asked to pick from a list of tedTalks and to listen and point out each argument the speaker makes. 

Then I was asked to write a report based on 1 of many topics, and to back up whatever I had to say with references from reliable resources. 

Multimedia Web Design

Using a text editor I learnt the basics and syntax of HTML5 and CSS3. Each week I was shown different tags, and submitted an assignment based on what we did that week.

Near the end of the semester I had to create a website of my choice using the techniques I learnt over the semester.

Introduction to Software Engineering

In this module I learnt about the documentation done for creating a system even before it is implemented. This included a systems analysis, notation used for creating flowcharts, data flow diagrams, data dictionary, decision tables, decision trees, and structured English.

Semester 1

Basic Graphic Design

For this module I had to compile an array of photographs over the 12 weeks of the semester. I had to take pictures of macro, moving water, still-life, and more.

I also learnt about the rule of thirds, some design tips, and drawing which led me to learn how to sketch ideas quickly down onto a page.


OO Programming Fundamentals

In this module I learnt the basics of Java. This included coding with a text editor, learning the difference between an int and double, creating programs to take in user input, loops (for, while, do while), and arrays.

Mathematics for Computing

Matrices, Set Theory, Series and Sequences, and Logic were the mathematics topics taught to me in this module. 

Computer Essentials 

I learnt the basics of computer systems, like what a megabyte, gigabyte, and terabyte is. After learning some theory I was introduced to binary code, converting into decimal, and hexadecimal. 

Multimedia Imaging

I learnt how to use Adobe’s Photoshop CS6. Each week I was shown something new in Photoshop, and was given an assignment based on what we had just gone over in class. 

Communication Skills

In this module I learnt how to write a report, and how to do a presentation. I was later then given an assignment on both.

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